PullRite's Complete Towing Solutions!


From automatic sliders to single point attachment hitches, we can fulfill all your fifth wheel towing needs! Our innovative product lines give you many choices, weight classes and plenty of accessories to make your towing experience easy and give you peace of mind that comes from great innovation!

If you already know the hitch and mounting system you need, search our product lines below to learn more. Not sure which hitch goes with what mounting system, see our PullRite Hitch Mounting Options page.


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SuperGlide, Automatically Sliding Fifth Wheel Hitches

#2900 SuperGlideSuperGlide is the best solution for short bed trucks!  With SuperGlide's patented cam-action, fully automatic turning capability, it quickly moves your trailer rearward away from your truck so your truck can turn 90º to your trailer without contacting your cab!  

The best part, you don't have to get out of your truck to do it, just get in and drive! Check out our ISR Series SuperGlides here.


#4500 OE Puck SuperGlide
Now available in the SuperGlide line of products are our OE Series direct attachment hitches!  These new OE Puck SuperGlides are designed 
specifically to your short bed truck's OE (original equipment) tow prep package.  They are custom designed for underbed puck mounting systems, installation and removal is quick and easy in just 4 steps!  



SuperGlide for Super Short Bed Towing

PullRite has the best, and only real short bed solution for 1/2 ton trucks with super short beds (less than 6ft)!  These SuperGlide models are designed with a 22-3/4" slide/travel along it's cam arm that quickly moves your trailer away from the cab during turns and backing up, without the need of getting in and out of your vehicle to throw levers before and after the turn.  
#3200 ISR Series SuperGlide for Super Short Bed towing

The #3200 ISR Series SuperGlide 14K SuperGlide is our newest ISR Series hitch that mounts to our ISR Rails, or any brand of fixed, industry standard rail type system!  Features the only fifth wheel on the market equipped with wheels to help you maneuver it in and out of the bed.  Easily moved out of the way and stored in an upright position when not in use.


#3100 Traditional Series SuperGlide#3100 Traditional Series SuperGlide is specially designed for 1/2 ton crew cab style, 5.5’ bed trucks, allowing fifth wheel towing for most lightweight fifth wheel trailers today.  Mounts to fully removable, PullRite SuperRails specific only to the #3100. Installs quickly and easily without the need for tools, leaving you with a clean bed!

Want to learn more about how super short bed towing works with these hitches?  Click here!



OE Puck Series, Fixed Position Fifth Wheel Hitches for Trucks with Pucks

#4915 OEX SuperLiteThe new OEX Series line of hitches have one base, with two coupling options! This lets you buy one configuration now, and if you prefer a different coupling method down the road, swap out the coupler without the cost of buying an entirely new hitch! Not sure what an undermount, puck system is?  Click here to learn more.

OEX's base is designed specifically for Ford, Ram and GM trucks with OE puck mounting points, offers more cab-to-trailer clearance than other similar brands, is the lightest 25K weight rated hitch on the market, at nearly half the lifting weight! OEX SuperLite boasts the easiest hookup in the industry with our patented "aim & drop" ball and funnel system, and both models do not require tools to install/remove. 

Looking for a rail mounted solution?  Check out ISRX with all the same benefits as OEX, but designed for industry standard rails (ISR).

#2315 OE Puck Series SuperGlide

OE Puck Series SuperGlide and Super 5th hitches are made specifically for your trucks OE tow prep package.  Custom designed for underbed puck mounting systems, installation and removal is quick and easy in just 4 steps, leaving you with a totally clean bed!




SuperLite, Lightweight Fifth Wheel Hitches

#2400 ISR Series SuperLiteSuperLite hitches are designed for long bed trucks, are lightweight and easy to hookup.  Whether you're a seasoned RV'er or just starting out, SuperLite's inverted ball and funnel design makes it the easiest fifth wheel hitch to hook up!  Our adapter turns your trailer's king pin into a gooseneck ball, and with SuperLite's funnel design, you simply "drop" the ball into the chute!  Best of all, it's totally visible from the cab and there's no more guessing whether you're lined up properly or not.  Available in two mounting systems!  The #2400 SuperLite (right) is a 4P (four point) rail mounted system that works with industry standard type rails.

#2600 Single Point Attachment SuperLite

The #2600 SuperLite is a 1P (single point attachment) that mounts to your trucks OE (original equipment) or any aftermarket underbed gooseneck towing system with a 2-5/16" ball.  Lightweight, but built strong with American steel, unlike other weaker aluminum hitches on the market today, SuperLite is your best choice! See how it works here!



Super 5th, Fixed Position ISR Rail Fifth Wheel Hitches

#2200 ISR Series Super 5thSuper 5th hitches are not just your standard fifth wheel hitch.  PullRite prides itself on innovation that exceeds the norm, and Super 5th was one of the forerunners of standard fifth wheel hitch design.  Made from high quality, American steel, unlike most all other imports on the market today, Super 5th's are built tough and reliable.  With the dual-articulating hitch action of the plate and rocker arm, we greatly reduce the amount of "bump and chuck" that any RV'er experiences while towing. 

And now with all our Super 5th's redesigned to fit any industry standard type rails (or our "better than theirs" ISR Rails), you have more options to upgrade your existing towing system to one that has raised the standard of towing!
#3900 Single Point Attachment Super 5th

The #3900 Super 5th  1P (single point attachment) combines the lightweight design of a SuperLite, the innovation of an underbed gooseneck mounting system, with the reliability of our innovative hitch plate!  Click here to see how single point mounting systems work.