ISR SuperGlide Series

PullRite proudly introduces its new SuperGlide fifth wheel hitch that fits "industry standard" base rails! Are you tired of the "bump and clunk" of your old fifth wheel hitch? Are you one of the many disappointed RV'ers who have discovered the hassles of making turns with the "old school" manual slider? Now you can replace your foreign-made manual slide hitch with an all American-made SuperGlide!


If you already have "the other guy's" standard base rails mounted in the bed of your truck, simply pin your new industry standard SuperGlide hitch directly onto the existing base rails -- without the cost or hassles of a reinstall! Or maybe you are a new RV'er who wants the best quality and value out of your fifth wheel hitch?  Each SuperGlide model can be ordered with our Industry Standard Universal Base Rails.